Vestra DAO organization provides users with a range of products and services to encourage their support for the project.
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Vestra DAO organization provides users with a range of products and services to encourage their support for the project.
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One of these services is the opportunity for users to earn passive income by staking their tokens in three different staking pools: flexible staking, locked staking, and pro wallet staking.
Individuals who have invested in the contract can receive a share from the daily reward pool based on the total value of the staked ratio of the VSTR amount they have invested. Rewards are distributed to participants every 24 hours, and those who leave the contract can withdraw both their principal balance and rewards without any penalties.
For example, let's assume the total amount of VSTR invested in the contract is 10 million, and 500,000 belongs to you. Assuming your share in the pool is 5%, your daily reward share from the pool, based on 277,777, would be 13,888.85. If the next day your staked amount remains the same but the total VSTR amount in the pool increases to 20 million, your entitlement from the pool would be reduced by half. As a result, early participants in the pool can start earning a higher APR.
After a certain period, more predictable ratios will begin to form. The distribution of the entire initially allocated 750 million total flexible staking pool on the con- tract will be spread over approximately 7.5 years. With additions to the contract, this period can be extended, ensuring sustainability.
Additionally, Pro Wallet holders can propose offers for project developments and have 200 voting power in governance. Each pool has its own liquidity, allowing wallet holders to join any or all of these pools according to specific rules. The three staking methods aim to reward contributors to the ecosystem by reducing selling pressures on token prices.
Moreover, users who wish to have 1 voting power in the DAO governance model can stake 10,000 VSTR, but they won't earn staking rewards. However, a certain percentage of the net profit in the quarterly income statement resulting from the activities of organizations associated with VSTR can be shared with stakeholders from the pool, up to 5%, as detailed in the "DAO Mechanism" section.
The total amount allocated to all Staking Pools is equivalent to 2.5 billion VSTR, which represents 5% of the maximum supply. Users will continue to receive regular rewards at a fixed rate over the initial amount in this contract for eight years.
Every institution associated with Vestra DAO is obligated to transfer a certain percentage of their earned profits to the staking contracts to feed these pools. This ensures that the staking contracts will be sustained in a viable structure for many years. Staking details are presented under the following headings: